
Formula 5.1

We just released a major update for Formula, Version 5.1. It brings many new features, functionalities and improvements. Such as:

  • A new Raw Material Inspector that allows to get a quick overview of a Raw Material properties when hovering the cursor on a Formulation's ingredient.
  • Bar charts for volume and weight percentages of pigments, fillers... have been added in parallel with pie charts in the Formulation Module
  • New Excel export options have been added for Formulations: Essential Print Sheet, a A4 landscape format with main Formulation's information and a Physico-Chemical Properties' sheet.
  • Keyboard shortcuts and controls.
  • We also reworked the access structure with the server to make it more responsive.


Formula is a formulation software that has been designed by a paint formulator at the beginning of the XXI century. Its goal is to support the paint development by providing easy formulation editing and calculation tools. Legal

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